Шахмет Құсайынов атындағы облыстық қазақ музыкалық-драма театрының туған күні.
8 наурыз Халықаралық әйелдер күніне орай театр сахнасында ән мен әзілге құрылған әдемі іс-шара ұйымдастырылды.
Жоғары қазақ гуманитарлық техникалық колледж қызметкерлерін
8 наурыз – Халықаралық әйелдер күніне орай «Көктемнің шуақты мерекесі» атты концерттік бағдарлама
«Көктемнің шуақты мерекесі» атты концерттік бағдарлама
Ақмола облыстық аурухана қызметкерлеріне арналған
Қайырымдылық акциясы Мүмкіндігі шектеулі балаларға арналған
"Байқа,балақай" ертегісі

Brief Information about the Regional Kazakh Music and Drama Theater Named after Shakhmet Kussayinov
The Akmola regional Kazakh music and drama theater named after Shakhmet Kussayinov opened
its doors on March 6, 1996 with the performance "Akan Seri - Aktokty" by Gabit Musirepov. Zhakyp
Omarov, the honored person of Kazakhstan, was the stage director. It is appropriate to mention the
work of Muratbek Ukibayuly Ospanov, honored person of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who led a group
of young graduates of the Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov in Almaty to open the theater
and was the first leader of the team.
Having won one of the 5 prizes in the world theater festival held in Egypt in September 2001 ("Conveyor" directed by G. Mergalieva), the troupe returned with honor and strengthened its skills.
In 2004, there was built a new house for the theater at the expense of the regional budget. That year, on the occasion of the anniversary of the famous writer Saken Seri Zhunissov, the regional theater festival was organized and held at a high level. The theater team won 2 prizes. The nomination "For the best scenography" was awarded to the chief artist of the theater, the laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Murat Maksut, and the nomination "For the best direction" was awarded to the honored person of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Muratbek Ospanov.
On March 6, 2006, the 10th anniversary of the theater was celebrated. On this occasion, the leading actors of the theater Zh. Kaldarov, T. Konbai, Zh. Kussayinova, K. Kalkataev, A. Zhunissova, and K. Myrzabolatov were awarded the title of Cultural Figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 34 actors, led by Bagysova Zhibek Esekekovna, People's Artist of Kazakhstan, are working in the theater.
On May 14-18, 2007, on the occasion of Shakhmet Kussayinov's 100th anniversary, a regional festival was organized in Kokshetau, and 8 theaters from the northern and central regions of the republic took part in it. The theater troupe toured the People's Republic of China and performed in 4 districts of Ile Kazakh Autonomous Region and the city of Ghulja.
In 2011, within the framework of the "Competition of young theater actors of the CIS and Baltic countries" of the International Confederation of Theater Unions (ICTU) in Moscow, 2 performances were selected from among the works of young directors of theaters of Kazakhstan, and one of them, S. Raev's "Oh, Girls!" from the theater repertoire (directed by F. Khanafin), was shown to an expert commission of famous stage specialists from Moscow in Kokshetau in May.
The troupe participated in the 13th "Bosporan Agon" International Theater Festival of Ancient Art held in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea of Ukraine with the historical tragedy "Caligula" by A. Camus (directed by K. Kassymov) and won the nomination "For the high level of dramatization of classics" and the "Nika Bosporskaya" statuette. The Akmola regional Kazakh music-drama theater named after Shakhmet Kusayinov, highly appreciated by famous stage masters and critics from Moscow and Ukraine, was the first theater to participate on behalf of the Kazakh nation, Muslim countries and Asia, since the beginning of independence.
In 2012, the theater took part in the Republican theater festival dedicated to the 100th anniversary of I. Omarov, held in Kostanay in October, with the performance of "Caligula" by A. Camus and won the Grand Prix. Actor Eltay Mustanov took part in the 1st International Dosstar competition of operetta performers held in Karaganda in November 2012 and won the first prize.
In 2013, the theater team participated in the international theater festival of young directors "Remeslo+"
held in Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, with the play "Office" by I.Lauzund (directed by F. Kanafin), and was
awarded a diploma.
From November 19 to 24, 2015, the Akmola regional Kazakh music-drama theater named after Shakhmet Kussayinov participated in the II International Theater Forum of Young Theater Artists of the CIS, Baltic States and Georgia, held in Minsk, Belarus, with the play "The Tram “Passion”" by T. Williams directed by Bolat Abdrakhmanov.
In May 2016, the theater collective took part in the 7th Republican humor festival "Storytellers in Aktobe",
dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in Aktobe, and actors
Toleubek Konbay and Baglan Imangazinov won 2nd place. In addition, actor Toleubek Konbai won in the
"Best Actor" nomination.
In April 2017, the theater team took part in the II-Republican festival of experimental performances of drama theaters of Kazakhstan "Balausa" held within the framework of the international specialized exhibition "EXPO-2017" in Aktobe and was awarded a diploma for their experimental research.
In 2018, young directors of our theater took part in the following international and regional theatrical festivals and many competitions in order to improve their skills from year to year. For example: from May 28 to June 1, theater director B.Abdrakhmanov took part in the 5th International Turkic-speaking countries "Nowruz" theater forum-festival held in Kazan, Tatarstan.
From June 15 to June 20, theater director F. Kanafin visited the Russian city of Novosibirsk to exchange
experience at the director's laboratory under supervision of S.N. Afanasyev. From September 29 to October 1,
theater directors F. Kanafin, B. Abdrakhmanov took part in the Republican Practicum of theater artists organized
by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the participation of foreign masters and
returned with certificates.
Besides that, an important event of that year was the awarding of the title "Honored figure of Kazakhstan" to the
high-class drama artist Kalkataev Kumarbek Okenuly for his great contribution to the development and promotion
of theater art on the eve of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In January 2019, during the General Board, the talented actress of our theater, Marzhan Bokeshevna, was awarded with the "Excellence in the field of culture" badge of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the head of the music department, Medet Mukhamedin, was awarded with the "Certificate of Honor" of the Ministry of Culture.
In May 2020, at an event dedicated to the Day of Culture Workers, the talented stage director of our theater, Abdrakhmanov Bolat Seitmoldauly, was awarded the "Excellence in Culture" badge.
On the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the "Spiritual Revival" program in 2021, actor Kairat Myrzabolatov, winner of the medal "Culture figure" of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was awarded with a letter of thanks from the akim of the region for his contribution to spirituality. At the opening ceremony of the "Spiritual Treasure-2021" festival, theater actress Zhanar Kussayinova and theater actress Galiya Korabaeva, winner of the medal "Culture figure" of the Republic of Kazakhstan, were awarded with a certificate of honor from the minister.
In 2021, the Festival of Regional Theaters was held on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 25th anniversary of the regional Kazakh music and drama theater named after Shakhmet Kussayinov. Kazakh theaters from the cities of Kostanay, Karaganda, Pavlodar, Petropavlovsk took part in the theater festival organized for the third time. Honored figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a person who made an immeasurable contribution to Kazakh theater art, actor, director, Ospanov Muratbek Ukibayuly was awarded with the badge "Honored Citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan". Toleubek Konbayuly, an actor of our theater, winner of the medal "Culture figure" of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was awarded in the category "Best in the Industry" in the framework of a business forum in Nur-Sultan.
Theater administrator Kenshilik Zhuzbaeva was awarded with the badge "30 years of Kazakhstan's independence",
deputy director Kairat Myrzabolatov was awarded with the nomination "Best actor of the year" of the republican competition
"Enlik Gul - 2022".